

ML22-02-04 - the pilot

ML22-02-04 - the pilot

New style!

The “text body”:

0:00 (Nicole, Jacob, Lue, David) There Will Be Blood 

2:52 This my obligation to the website (Wednesday’s post)

5:30 New podcasting methodology, ACNH videos

Mr. Brightside Animal Crossing New Horizon Style

10:30 Lethal weapon at the Enzian, other Vietnam bringing the war home media

17:15 supplies, chains, tubes, amps, stereos, cough buttons, buildings, spray bottles, preamps, CD’s, rarity

20 Jahre Saxeulle Befreiungölner-Saxophon-Mafia-20-Jahre-Saxuelle-Befreiung

50:15 weather, photo review, second locations

53:00 (Ryan) Dog caricatures, movie lightning round, YouTube binging, Daniel Day-Lewis

1:18:00 FD Signifier videos on Edgelords and the Impossible White Man

1:23:35 Cranberry orange muffins, plum season, Italian boots, the Biltmore, English is the best language, China is the center, TSMC

1:46:50 Nazis in Orlando, politics, moving to Florida, alcoholism, health care

2:14:15 fine American establishments

2:16:30 FD signifier, Daniel Day-Lewis

2:31:05 Women and things they like, Bill Bryson, Spirit Airlines, format review, cliffhanger

Maybe I'm supposed to write all the time.

24/26 (19?) Rules for Life - a skim