

No one cares if I do what I want to do.

No one cares if I do what I want to do.

Not even me most of the time. It seems like someone should be keeping an eye on that, yet they don’t. They all have their own aspirations to ignore. Most of us aren’t burning our attention promoting a greater cause (not a social one, at any rate). We might just not be paying attention at all. That seems harsh but evident. I might be able to do something about it, on a social scale, but it would require more people to trust me. The absence of that trust is also harsh but evident. I don’t offer security or salvation: not even the illusion of it. I am the conman in reverse. I suspect this position only feels noble.

I don't care if anyone does what they want to do.

I don't care if anyone does what they want to do.

The Velvet Experience Draft 002 - Costa Rica

The Velvet Experience Draft 002 - Costa Rica