

Mach Log 001b - Generational shift

Mach Log 001b - Generational shift

Click here for Side A.

The Cast - Mitchell Londergan, Alberto Remy, Javier Remy, Nicole Paddock, Luis Wiedemann, Eric Paddock, Nicole Paddock

What better way to understand age and generational shift than to have all ages on hand? We fill up the sofa to get a full 17-55 demo, sound issues and all.

Note: My dad occasionally uses terms and opinions during this cast that would be considered uncool in modern conversation. If this bothers you on a cultural level, I could protest that you’ve completely missed the point of having him on the podcast but, given that has probably never stopped you before, all I’ll say is that he cares exactly as much about your worldview as you do about his. If you still feel the need to complain, I’m caring pretty much 24/7 over at .

Mach Log 002 - Selfish Selflessness

Mach Log 002 - Selfish Selflessness

Movie Crew Review 006 - The Martian

Movie Crew Review 006 - The Martian