

AGP010 Part 2 - Is Our Children Learning?

AGP010 Part 2 - Is Our Children Learning?

The Cast - David Paddock (the voice of questions), Andy Chilton (the voice of postgraduate science), Javier Remy (the voice of STEM education), Mitchell Londergan (the voice of "scheduling shit better or something") 

Mitchell hotswaps in for Ryan to round out our school talk. How long should school be? How middling is middle school? Should we care about gifted students? Are kids to blame for all our problems (probably)? We wrap our first "EXCHANGE OF IDEAS (R)" on American education.

Surviving the Trough - Volume 1

Surviving the Trough - Volume 1

AGP010 Part 1 - Is Our Children Learning?

AGP010 Part 1 - Is Our Children Learning?